Vui lòng đợi...

Ngo Van Gioi

Gender: Male
Birthday: September 04, 1980
Institutions: Faculty of Resources & Environment
Highest Degree: Ph.D
Academic Title: Associate Professor (2018)
Research Interests:

- Environmental of Sciences

- Soil and Water resourses management 

- Sustainable development



Time Degree Institution Major
2000 - 2004 Barchelor Hanoi National University, HUS Soil Science/soil environment
2004 - 2006 Master Hanoi National University, HUS Environmetal of Science
2007 - 2013 Ph.D Hanoi National University, HUS Environmental of Science/Soil and Water Environment


Language Reading Writing Listening / Speaking
Vietnamese Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Average Average Average

Working Experiences

From 2004 to now, I work as a teacher at TNUS


Title / Author(s) / Magazine Year
[2] Research to Develop Integrated Solutions to Improve Environmental Soil of Tea in Tancuong Area Thainguyen Province Vietnam after 50 Years Exploitation and Using
Ngô Văn Giới
"Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR). "
[1] Indicators to measure sustainability of soil environment-a case stydy in MuongBu resettlement area in MuongLa district, SonLa province, VietNam,
Ngô Văn Giới, Nguyễn Thị Nhâm Tuất
Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук


Directed Diploma/Master Theses:

[1] Ho Van Hai; (2015)
[2] Dao Tien Huan; (2015)
[3] Nguyen Nhu Yen; (2017)
[4] Pham Quang Cuong; (2017)
[5] Nguyen Anh Tuan; (2018)
[6] Tran Dinh Thinh; (2018)